Types Of Teeth Dreams And Their Meanings

Here’s a detailed list of all different types of dreams about teeth and their interpretation.

Fictional man giving interpretation of teeth dreams

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Teeth Dream Types

Contemporary dream interpretations

Teeth are symbols rich in meaning. Here are the most commonly accepted interpretations. Teeth in dreams represent:

  • Transition times
  • Personal growth and challenging your limits
  • Self-confidence and strength
  • Self-expression and personal nourishment
  • Courage and assertiveness – or lack of it
  • Concerns about self-image and attractiveness

Simple interpretation techniques

Here are 3 simple steps to analyze your dream. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How do you feel in the dream?
  2. How does the feeling in the dream relate to your current life?
  3. Why would you mind if you would… Here, fill in the blank with the scenario of your teeth dream; for instance, a dream where you lose your teeth, break a tooth, etc.

1. How do you feel in the dream?

Ask yourself how you feel in the dream. Pay special attention to your experience or feelings, especially when something happened to your teeth.

dream interpretation tipDream Interpretation Tip: Connecting with the raw feeling, impressions, sensations or even fleeting emotion or images can help extracting more meaning out of the dream content. You can take note in writing or mentally and go to the next dream interpretation step.

2. How does the feeling in the dream relate to your current life?

Are there any connections between these feelings and impressions or feelings you may have in your everyday life?

dream interpretation tipDream Interpretation Tip: Here’s a key point in interpreting dreams: Strong dream symbols tend to show up when an event or a situation in the dreamer’s life triggers intense emotions. Check what’s happening in your life right now that may be related how you felt in the dream.

More specifically, look for moments where things are shifting or changing dramatically in your life; making compromises that are not completely satisfying for you; facing choices that are hard to bear or make; expressing yourself with assertiveness or lack thereof.

3. What do the dream symbols mean to you personally?

One of the most important questions to dig out the deeper meaning of your dream is: Why would you mind if your teeth would fall out like they do in the dream?

Your answer will point you to another layer of interpretation. For instance, your dream could be related to the fear of aging, not looking as good as you would wish or stem from a feeling of powerless in face of change or losing something important to you.

Other interpretations may lead you to the idea of biting life more fully or getting more of the nourishment you need to enjoy life.

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Dream interpretation advice: Become your own dream interpreter

Interpreting the meaning of dream symbols can be a daunting task when one is looking at definitions in a conventional dream dictionary. This interpretation guide is designed to empower every dreamer with knowledge and techniques to support the creation of a very personal interpretation of dream symbols.

Unlike the already-made dream definitions or the predictions astrologers or clairvoyants may offer in their readings, meaningful dream interpretation relies on your active participation. When you interpret your dreams, you become your own dream expert. Who else than you could better understand the dream meanings coming from in the recesses of your psyche and the messages of your unconscious?

Dream interpretation does not require you to be a clairvoyant or psychic, nor a seasoned psychologist. To interpret dreams, you need to engage your intellect, but also your imagination and intuition. This dream dictionary and interpretation guide is a starting point. You’ll find that combining symbol definitions, dream analysis techniques, and letting your brain work with free associations and imagination, will go a long way in uncovering the true meaning of your dreams.

Dream interpretation theories: Why do we dream about teeth?

According to traditional psychology, an explanation for dreams about teeth, especially dreams where you see you teeth fall out or you lose a tooth is linked to highly charged emotions in your waking life.

Most often dreams about teeth are disturbing and could even be a horrifying nightmare for the dreamer. The emotional quality of the dream scenario usually corresponds to emotions the dreamer is experiencing in her waking life.

The reason this emotional content appears in the dream though teeth imagery is because the dreamer has probably not fully acknowledged these emotions or repressed them because they were too frightening or painful to deal with in the moment. As a result, this traumatic or difficult experience and its emotional charge appear in dreams disguised in images and symbols.

For instance, teeth being pulled out or falling out remind us of the painful nature of these experiences or situations. In the symbolic language of dreams, emotions are represented indirectly through images and offer meaning for the curious dreamer who’s willing to understand their deeper meaning.

Literal and symbolic interpretation of dream symbols

In the field of dream interpretation, teeth symbols can have multiple meanings. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was one of the first modern dream analysts to focus on the distinction of the literal content of a dream, i.e., the matter-of-fact content featured in dream images, from the latent content that has a more symbolic meaning and represents a hidden unconscious meaning.

Teeth dreams emphasize a specific part of the body, the teeth, but also the mouth and possibly the face. Several interpretations are possible:

  • The most literal interpretation points to concerns relating to your body, health, or physical appearance you may have consciously or unconsciously in your waking life.
  • A more symbolic interpretation of the latent content of the dream consists in seeing body images as a representation of the way you see yourself and lead your life, as well as the feelings and emotions relating to these topics.

>> Read more on teeth dream symbolism

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